22 February 2006

Open Letter to an Anonymous Asshole

Dear Person Who Threw His/Her Empty Soda Cup Into my Bike Basket While it was Parked on Campus Only 10 Feet Away From the Nearest Trashcan,

Kudos on finding a way to simultaneously spare yourself the hideous effort of having to walk an extra 10 feet and ruin my afternoon. Few bring such creativity to finding subtle ways to make the world a little worse. Congrats! You're an asshole!

Love, Amy


Cari said...

Aw. Isn't it nice when somebody goes out of their way to let you know just what an asshole they are? This is a little embarrassing but I have to admit I'm teating up.

Cari said...

Oh crap! I meant TEARING. Crying. Weeping.

Auntie Maim said...

And here I was thinking that "teating up" was maybe the new, female equivalent of "sacking up"...

Cari said...

Ah yes, the opposite of vaging out...

Cari said...

oh, and cf. this: http://www.overheardintheoffice.com/archives/001574.html

Auntie Maim said...