02 November 2008

Babies: "That High-Contrast Shit is Giving Us Headaches"

So, I recently found this awesome baby blanket pattern at Knitty that I would like to make, although I'm not sure for whom, since my fantastic nephew is over a year old now and my only friend with a new baby is an amazing knitter herself:

I especially like that it isn't annoyingly twee, and that it can be really high-contrast, since babies are supposed to like that. Which makes me wonder: how exactly do we know that babies love contrast? What if they don't, and only stare fixedly at it (or whatever makes us think they like it) because they're wondering how something so eye-poppingly fugly came to be? Or they're really gaping in horror? That would be kind of funny.


Cari said...

Remember when we were talking about how totally scary it must be to be a baby and have no object permanence and no way to effectively communicate, etc.? If you unfocus your eyes a little bit those blankets look like portals to another dimension (I know, because I've seen one!). That would scare the SHIT out of a baby. Or just make him a sci-fi fan fo' life.

Auntie Maim said...

Ha! In this picture, it totally looks like the baby is falling into the other-dimension portal! The knitting is magic. Also, terrifying.

Anonymous said...

So am I the only one who immediatly thought of this when he or she saw the design?

Cool anonymous coward or coolest anonymous coward ever?

Auntie Maim said...

That is awesome! Coolest anonymous coward ever.

Anonymous said...

they're kinda hypnotic