20 March 2006

What's Next? Footloose?!?

My cheesy gossip magazine of choice has just cheerily informed me that production has just begun on a big-screen adaptation of the Broadway smash Hairspray, to be released in 2007. Ah yes, interesting. Do you mean, the Broadway smash based on the 1988 movie of the same name by the brilliant John Waters?!? You know, the one you completely failed to mention in your blurb?

Does anyone else find alarming the emergence of the less than 20-year movie to Broadway to movie remake cycle? Alarming, or completely balls-out insane?


Cari said...

I say balls-out insane, but you know: any chance to talk about balls...

Cari said...

Trainspotting quiz: http://members.aol.com/groovydougie/quizzes/trainspotting.htm

Although take heed: I couldn't get the damn post-this-on-my-blog feature to work, so I had to save the pic and upload from my computer, which is why there's no link.